The second half of an ID is where the real effort happens.

The second half of an ID is where the real effort happens. This part is an assembly of branches whose levels are numeric or alphabetic (uppercase), but never both. 3Q15 represents 3 levels: 3, Q within that, and 15 within that. Each switch of numbers/letters therefore constitutes a level change. Numbers in a level can grow indefinitely in Base 10, while letters grow as in spreadsheets: Z is followed by AA. For ordering notes, interruptions precede children precede siblings: 3E, 3E,1, 3E1, 3E2, 3E2A, 3F. Sing the first “interruption” denotes changing from the topical part of the ID to the conversational part, the opposite holds true for the first half: 1230, 1234, 1234a, 1234,1. Seen in whole, the ID 1234,3E2A,5 indicates the fifth interruption in the first (A) branch of the second branch of the fifth (E) note in the third idea within the 34th topic in the second subdiscipline of the first academic discipline.